
...old sites?

:Uhm, I mean some communities and/or places that are retro styled and talk about retro stuff. Well, I'm a sorta into retro things, but I don't have too much knowledge about old computers. But I still chose taking a way in and seeing people discussing about their interests. (old but they are kinda new lmao, they're just old looking.)

Gotta list some below maybe:

-Level 29 BBS --this one was my first BBS I've ever visited (ofc, from this video.) You can access it via a telnet client to bbs.fozztexx.com, or go directly to the site and use the shellinabox embedded frame, or dialup to the number shown in the webpage. Additionally, you can visit r/retrobattlestations as well. (Never been there before, but I think I should take a look.)

-oldnet.co.za --someone in Level 29 (pyrodrake) just opened this site with HTTP protocol. You can find something fun to play around here, in those PHP-written pages. Since it is launched in HTTP, you can better access it on old computers with limited network conditions.

-Telehack --I was once being here in the past, under the name barn2. You can access this via either a Telnet or SSH client.

Well, that's all up to now. I may update this later if possible.